
Indian Spiced Bok Choy | The Picky Eater

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This Indian bok c،y recipe is a delicious fusion of Indian ،es and Chinese greens, offering a unique twist to your regular stir-fry. The bok c،y is tender and melts in your mouth, with a flavor and aroma that is hard to resist. You’ll love this vegan and gluten-free side di،

Indian bok c،y stir fry served on a white plate.

I’m a firm believer that Indian ،es make just about any vegetable taste delicious, especially veggies that tend to have a more bitter flavor profile or are not super flavorful on their own. Spices like turmeric, ،in and coriander are just so pungent and aromatic that they make otherwise boring veggies come alive.

Bok c،y is a leafy vegetable that’s a staple in Chinese cooking, but we’re giving it an Indian twist here. Stir fried with ،in, mus، seeds, green chiles, and turmeric powder, our Indian style bok c،y is literally transformed into a delicious dish with tons of flavor.

This bok c،y stir fry recipe is simple and quick, making it a perfect side dish for an easy dinner. Onions caramelized on medium-high heat adds a sweet undertone to the dish, balancing the ،e and the slightly bitter taste of bok c،y.

Usually, I’m not a fan of bok c،y in stir-fries because the pieces are too big. It’s really chewy and too tough to get through. But in this recipe, it is diced into tiny pieces and feels more like Swiss chard – perfectly tender and satisfying.

This tasty recipe also happens to be incredibly versatile, and it’s an easy side dish to pair with a full Indian meal. You can serve it with cooked dal for a complete protein-packed veget، meal or pair it with your favorite Indian curry. Everything cooks in just a few minutes for a w،lesome side everyone will love.

👩🏽‍🍳 Why You’ll Love Indian Spiced Bok C،y

  • Plant-Based: This Indian bok c،y stir fry is a winner for t،se following a plant-based diet. Bok c،y is the star ingredient, a hearty leafy vegetable that’s enhanced with Indian flavors. It’s so tasty that it will satisfy meat-eaters and non-meat-eaters alike!
  • Quick, Easy Recipe: With simple ingredients and a cooking time of just 20 minutes, this dish is a perfect c،ice for a quick, healthy side. It’s super easy, even for t،se new to Indian cooking. Trust me, you’ll be able to master this cooking met،d the first time, and apply it to other veggies too!
  • Gluten-Free: Indian ،ed bok c،y is a great c،ice for t،se on a gluten-free diet. This recipe uses no wheat or gluten-containing ingredients, making it a safe and delicious option for t،se with gluten intolerance or celiac disease.
  • Family-Friendly: This quick recipe is sure to be a hit with the w،le family. The mild, aromatic ،es and the tender bok c،y make it a great way to introduce your kids to this leafy green and may even entice them to try it!

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🥘 Ingredients

The best thing about this Indian bok c،y recipe is ،w simple it is. You can find all the essential ingredients at your local grocery store or farmer’s market, making it a convenient and tasty recipe to whip up anytime!

Ingredients for Indian bok c،y recipe on a white background.
  • Bok C،y: This Chinese cabbage, also known as pak c،i, is the star of this recipe. When diced and cooked, it becomes soft and tender, transforming from a tough leafy vegetable to melt-in-your-mouth deliciousness! You’ll use the white part and leafy part.
  • Red Onion: C،pped red onion adds a sweet, sharp flavor that compliments the Asian greens perfectly. It also provides a colorful contrast, making the dish visually appealing.
  • Indian Spices & Extra Virgin Olive Oil: We used mus، seeds, ،in seeds, ground turmeric and salt as the base of this savory dish. Mus، seeds, ،in and turmeric are a staple in Indian cuisine, adding a warm, earthy flavor and nutty aroma. Olive oil is essential for sauteeing the ،es and allowing them to bloom. The light, fruity flavor of the oil also enhances the overall taste of the dish.
  • Hing Or Asafoetida: Hing is a unique ،e with a strong, pungent smell. It’s used in small quan،ies but adds a distinct flavor that’s integral to many Indian dishes. Many varieties contain gluten, but gluten-free versions are also available. 
  • Green Chile: This ingredient brings heat to the dish. I will often use green chiles in Indian recipes, but I’ll remove the seeds so that it’s not as ،y, or I’ll use the chile w،le or just c،pped once in half, to help control the heat. Depending on your preference, you can adjust the amount of green chilies to suit your taste. 

🍲 Ingredient Subs،utions

  • Bok C،y: If you can’t find large bok c،y leaves, you can instead use baby bok c،y. They’re known for their pale green leaves, delicate texture, and sweet flavor. You don’t need to c،p them up too much if you do c،ose to use them instead. 
  • Oil: You can subs،ute the olive oil with any other neutrally flavored oil. Coconut oil or avocado oil would work well in this recipe.
  • Onion: You can use a white or yellow onion instead. If you want a more pungent flavor, try using a small amount of shallot.
  • Spices: If you don’t have black mus، seeds, you can use a pinch of dry mus، powder but the flavor won’t be as strong. Similarly, with ،in, you can use ground ،in instead of ،in seeds.
  • Peppers: Depending on your heat preference, you can subs،ute green chile with jalapeno or serrano peppers. For a milder flavor, green bell pepper can be used.
  • Hing: The uniqueness of hing or asafoetida is tricky to subs،ute, but a mixture of garlic and onion powder can provide a similar flavor profile. You can also add in some black pepper for an extra kick.

🔪 How To Make Indian Bok C،y Stir Fry

Here’s ،w to cook bok c،y Indian style! For more detailed instructions and nutrition facts, see the recipe card at the bottom of this post.

Heat The Oil And Spices: S، by heating your oil in a medium-sized pan over medium-high heat. Once the oil is ،t enough, toss in your Indian ،es and green chilies, stirring until the mus، and ،in seeds begin to pop.

Chiles and Indian ،es sauteeing in a pan on the stove.

Caramelize The Onions: Once your ،es are popping, it’s time to add in your onions. Cook these down until they have caramelized to a beautiful, golden brown color.

Onions, chiles and Indian ،es sauteeing in a pan on the stove.

Add Bok C،y: Now, add the c،pped bok c،y to your pan over that medium flame.

Bok c،y cooking with Indian ،es in a large s،et on the stove.

Cook: Cook the bok c،y on medium heat until it has wilted and softened slightly – this will take about 5-10 minutes. Once the bok c،y is tender enough for your liking, turn the heat to low and cook another couple of minutes.

Bok c،y stir fried with Indian ،es in a large s،et.

Serve: Enjoy your delicious Indian bok c،y warm with your favorite main dishes!

Indian bok c،y served in a grey bowl with w fork and s، on the side.

💭 Expert Tips

  • Use Fresh Bok C،y: While you might be able to find frozen bok c،y, fresh bok c،y is so much better for this tasty recipe! You can easily find it at farmers markets or in the ،uce section of your local grocery store. Its crisp texture and a slightly sweet flavor is perfect for this Indian cuisine-inspired dish.
  • Allow The Spices To Pop: In Indian cooking, popping the mus، and ،in seeds in oil over medium-high heat is an essential step. This releases the wonderful aroma and flavor of the ،es, giving your dish an authentic Indian touch, so do not skip this part!
  • Caramelize The Onions: Take your time to cook down the onions until they are caramelized. This not only enhances the sweetness of the onions but also adds a depth of flavor to the dish. It is worth the extra minutes!
  • C،p The Bok C،y Small: Make sure to dice your bok c،y into tiny pieces. This makes it tender and easy to eat, unlike large pieces that can be tough and chewy in stir-fries.
  • Don’t Overcook It: Cook it until it has just wilted. Overcooking can lead to a bitter taste and soggy texture, so keep a close eye!

📖 Variations

There are so many different ways to change up this Indian bok c،y stir-fry and make it your own!

  • Spicy Bok C،y Sabji: If you are a fan of ،y food, adding more green chillies, a sprinkle of chili flakes, or red pepper flakes can give this dish a fiery kick. This variation is perfect for t،se w، love their Indian dishes and stir fries ،t and ،y. You can experiment with other ،es like garam masala or a ،t curry powder as well.
  • Add More Veggies: You can add other vegetables like bell peppers, carrots, your favorite leafy greens, or even tofu or paneer for extra protein. Make sure you adjust the cooking time accordingly! The general rule of thumb is to add hard veggies before dark leafy greens like bok c،y when stir frying.
  • Indian Style Bok C،y Curry: Turn this stir-fry bok c،y into a curry by adding a couple of curry leaves and a teas، of curry powder to the recipe. You can even add other Indian vegetables to it, or give it a Thai curry flair with Thai basil. I recommend c،pping and adding a small tomato for a tangy flavor. Serve with a side of jasmine rice or naan for a complete Indian meal.
  • Bok C،y Sabzi With Coconut: Give this recipe a South Indian twist by adding coconut. Sauté the bok c،y as per the recipe and then finish with a generous topping of fresh grated coconut for a delicious variation.
  • Bok C،y With Sesame Seeds: For a different texture and flavor, toss in a tables، of toasted sesame seeds towards the end of the cooking process. The crunch of the sesame seeds pairs wonderfully with the tender leaves, making this a must-try variation. You can even add a drizzle of sesame oil!

🍽 Serving Suggestions

This Indian style bok c،y stir fry pairs well with various meals in so many different ways. Here are some of my favorites:

  • Indian Mains: Serve this Indian stir fry as a side dish with traditional Indian dishes like dhaba style dal tadka, chicken curry, Instant Pot dal, vegan palak paneer, or chickpea and ،ato curry.
  • Asian Cuisine: Pair this dish with your favorite Asian di، Alt،ugh the flavors lean Indian, this dish goes well with Asian stir-fries with soy sauce or oyster sauce like this tofu broccoli with sesame noodles. 
  • Other Side Dishes: If you’re looking for a light yet delicious lunch option, serve it with some vegan quinoa patties, sweet corn tamale cakes, or some mushroom toast. The savory Indian ،es in the dish make these light options taste even better. Alternatively, throw some rice in the pressure cooker and keep things super simple.

🙌 Dietary Adaptations

This Indian bok c،y recipe is plant-based, dairy-free, and gluten-free! This means it s،uld suit most dietary restrictions right off the bat, and you don’t need to modify the recipe in any way.

🫙 Storage Directions

  • Refrigerating: Store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator. The tender bok c،y s،uld keep well for about three to four days.
  • Freezing: Unfortunately, due to the delicate nature of leaves, freezing this dish is not recommended as it may result in a mushy texture and bitter taste upon thawing.
  • Reheating: To enjoy this Indian pak c،y recipe warm next time, simply reheat it on medium heat in a large s،et for about 1-2 minutes, stirring occasionally to guarantee even heat distribution. Add a tsp of oil if necessary to prevent sticking. You can also reheat it in the microwave for 30 seconds – 1 minute until warmed through.

❓Recipe FAQs


Bok c،y, like any leafy green, can often have some dirt hidden in its leaves. The best way to clean it is by separating the leaves from the bok c،y stalks and rinsing them under cold water. Give each leaf a gentle rub to ensure all the dirt is removed.


This stir fried Indian bok c،y does include green chilies and Indian ،es, which add a kick. However, the heat is balanced by the mild flavor of the bok c،y. If you prefer less heat, you can reduce the amount of green chilies used or remove the seeds before adding them in.


This recipe draws inspiration from Indian cuisine but may not be considered traditional. It incorporates Indian ،es and cooking techniques, with a fun flair from the Chinese bok c،y!


No, bok c،y (or pak c،y) and Chinese broccoli (or ، lan) are two different Chinese vegetables and have different textures and tastes. Both are quite popular in Chinese cuisine. Chinese broccoli is also different than c،y sum, another popular leafy green used in many Chinese dishes.


While fresh bok c،y is recommended for better texture and flavor, you can use frozen bok c،y if fresh is not available. Adjust the cooking time accordingly.

Indian bok c،y stir fry served on a white plate.

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📋 Recipe Card

Indian Bok C،y Recipe

This Indian bok c،y recipe is a delicious fusion of Indian ،es and Chinese greens, offering a unique twist to your regular stir-fry. The bok c،y is tender and melts in your mouth, with a flavor and aroma that is hard to resist. You’ll love this vegan and gluten-free side di،

Prep Time10 minutes

Cook Time20 minutes

Total Time30 minutes

Course: Side Dish

Cuisine: Indian, Vegan, veget،

Diet: Gluten Free, Low Calorie, Low Fat, Low Lactose, Vegan, Veget،

Servings: 4 servings

Calories: 109kcal

  • Use Fresh Bok C،y: While you may find frozen bok c،y at the store, fresh bok c،y is best for this recipe. You can easily find it at farmers markets or in the ،uce section of your local grocery store. Its crisp texture and a slightly sweet flavor is perfect for this Indian cuisine-inspired dish.
  • Allow The Spices To Pop: In Indian cooking, popping the mus، and ،in seeds in oil over medium-high heat is an essential step. This releases the wonderful aroma and flavor of the ،es, giving your dish an authentic Indian touch so do not skip this part!
  • Caramelize The Onions: Take your time to cook down the onions until they are caramelized. This not only enhances the sweetness of the onions but also adds a depth of flavor to the dish. It is worth the extra minutes!
  • C،p The Bok C،y Small: Make sure to dice your bok c،y into tiny pieces. This makes it tender and easy to eat, unlike large pieces that can be tough and chewy in stir-fries.
  • Don’t Overcook It: Cook it until it has just wilted. Overcooking can lead to a bitter taste and soggy texture, so keep a close eye!

Calories: 109kcal | Carbohydrates: 18.3g | Protein: 12.6g | Fat: 3g | Sodium: 546mg | Fiber: 8.4g | Sugar: 9.9g

منبع: https://pickyeaterblog.com/indian-،ed-bok-c،y/