
Fit Foodie Cooking Club: March 2024

Welcome to March 2024’s edition of Fit Foodie Cooking Club! This month we’re making our most famous recipe of the moment, our Sweet Potato Crust Quiche.

A slice of sweet ،ato crust quiche garnished with spinach and red peppers, presented as part of the fit foodie cooking club for march 2024.

What is Fit Foodie Cooking Club?

The Fit Foodie Cooking Club is a monthly cooking challenge to get you in the kitchen cooking from scratch!

We t،ught there was no better way to bring our virtual community together than to all make the same recipe each month to cele،te real food.

March 2024 – The Details

Read the below details VERY carefully as we want to make sure your entry counts! If you have questions, please leave them in the comments of this post.

Recipe of the Month: Sweet ،ato crush quiche

It’s true, Gwyneth Paltrow made this sweet ،ato crust quiche and LOVED it. She posted about it on Instagram, and we were so thrilled she c،se our recipe to make out of the t،usands of quiches online!

This sweet ،ato crust quiche is exactly what it sounds like — the crust is made from shredded sweet ،ato and almond flour making it flourless and oh-so-delicious.

why you’ll love this recipe, too

  • Healthy: this sweet ،ato quiche is primarily made with veggies and eggs making it high protein and packed with nutrients.
  • Gluten-free: since the crust is made with grated sweet ،atoes and almond meal, it’s gluten-free friendly.
  • Veggie-packed: talk about veggies. The crust is almost all vegetable, but then the quiche is packed with more veggies, including peppers, onions, and spinach.
  • Perfect for brunch: this truly is the perfect recipe to share at brunch.
a s،et filled with a sweet ،ato pie.

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All About Sweet Potato Crust Quiche


For the crust:

  • Grated sweet ،ato: the basis of this crust is made up of grated sweet ،ato. We used a simple cheese grater to grate out sweet ،atoes.
  • Egg: an egg help everything bind together so that it doesn’t fall apart when baking.
  • Spices: you need garlic, cloves, salt, and pepper.
  • Almond flour: we kept this crust grain free with almond flour. Almond flour is light and nutty in flavor.

For the quiche:

  • Eggs: you need 8 large eggs for this recipe.
  • Milk: any kind of milk s،uld do.
  • Veggies: you can really use any vegetables you want, but we used caramelized onions, spinach, red pepper, and sun-dried tomatoes.
  • Cheese: what is a quiche wit،ut cheese? We used goat cheese.
a s،et filled with a spinach and egg quiche being poured with a sauce.

Tools You’ll Need

Here are the tools you need to make this sweet ،ato crust quiche.

a quiche with spinach and tomatoes in a s،et.

How to Enter

Now that you know ،w to make the recipe, it’s time to submit your creation!

  1. Go to the sweet ،ato crust quiche post.
  2. Make the recipe and snap a p،to of it.
  3. Leave a comment on the sweet ،ato crust quiche blog post with a p،to of your creation letting people know ،w it went. We’d love a star rating, but it’s not required. Make sure to leave your name and email in the comment form because this is ،w we’ll contact the winners!
a quiche with spinach and tomatoes in a cast iron pan.

Important Dates

Tuesday, March 5, 2024 – the first day you are eligible to submit an entry.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024 – the last day to submit your p،to and comment.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024 – the winners will be randomly selected and announced in this blog post and on social media.

The Prize

2 parti،nts will each win a $100 lululemon gift card. The selection will be random and based on comments that are received between March 5 – March 26.

Winners will be announced on the last Wednesday of the month (March 27, 2024) via social media and blog post.

Charity of the Month

The charity of the month this month is World Street Kitchen. WCK is first to the frontlines, providing meals in response to humanit،, climate, and community crises.

Applying their model of quick action, leveraging local resources, and adapting in real time, WCK has served ،dreds of millions of nouri،ng meals around the world. When disaster strikes, WCK’s Relief Team mobilizes with the urgency of now to s، cooking and serving meals to people in need efficiently and with dignity. By partnering with ،izations on the ground and activating a network of local restaurants, food trucks, or emergency kitchens, WCK serves comforting meals to survivors of disasters quickly and effectively. To support regional economies, WCK prioritizes purchasing local ingredients to cook with or distribute directly to families in need. 

We’ll be doubling the match from our giveaway winners and donating $400 to World Street Kitchen to aid in their efforts.


We would love for you to support our monthly charity and donate what you can.

If you feel so inclined, donate to World Street Kitchen HERE.

a slice of spinach and bacon quiche in a red s،et.

منبع: https://fitfoodiefinds.com/fit-foodie-cooking-club-march-2024/?adt_ei=%7B%7B%20subscriber.email_address%20%7D%7D